antarctica under ice Antarctica under the ice 14 Sept 2023

Discovering a hidden map of Antarctica beneath the ice sparked my imagination. It revealed a stunning landscape with mountains, rivers, lakes, and three distinct regions. I envisioned a unique pre-history for my game map, Antarktikos, set in this ancient, ice-free world. This captivating lore now forms the foundation of Actor Quest's immersive gaming experience.

unity created map Tried and Failed Unity Terrain

At first, I attempted to create the map in Unity, pouring countless hours into it from dawn till midnight, but I despised the results. It was never going to be a playable map; I merely wanted a screenshot for the website. Disheartened, I went to bed. The next morning, I had an idea: I'll draw the flippin map myself! After some research, I stumbled upon Wonderdraft, mapping that makes maps akin to the ones in Lord of the Rings books. With a one-time fee of just £25, I was ready to embark on a new creative journey

It turns out that this purchase was one of the best decisions I ever made. The process of drawing coastlines, placing mountains, rivers, roads, and towns turned out to be incredibly relaxing and enjoyable.
My mind wandered freely as I worked, and in just two days, I had drawn the entire map, created cities, towns, three distinct races, regions, and even a detailed history for the world. As it turns out, The map is the key to everything

Antarktikos World Map Antarktikos World Map Click for Full size

In the Social Roleplay game Actor Quest, players venture into the land of Antarktikos, in modern-day Antarctica. This ancient world, free from ice some 150,000 years ago, presents a captivating backdrop, within this setting you will play one of the three races of Antarcii people.

Makes you think