Azurian sunset with pyramid Golden Ochre Sapphire A color pallete for the Azurians

In the vibrant realm of Azuria, nature paints its canvas in the resplendent hues of Golden Ochre Sapphire. Here, the sun-kissed lagoons shimmer with the enchanting radiance of sapphire blue, reflecting the sky's eternal embrace. As the day gracefully yields to night, Azurian skies set ablaze with the fiery glow of Golden Sunsets, casting their golden ochre veil upon the land.
In this realm, colors come alive, weaving a tapestry of timeless beauty that captures the very essence of Azuria's awe-inspiring landscapes.

Lysibian with Staff Green Slate Fire Red Electric White A color pallete for the Lysibians

Within the diverse Lysibian race, two distinct subraces emerge, The first, with their striking Bright White hair, exude an air of solemnity and austerity.
In stark contrast, the second subrace boasts Red or Brown-haired Lysibians who are steeped in mysticism and optermystic wisdom.

Krystalian Swordmaster Ice Blues White Silver A color pallete for the Krystalian

The Krystalian color scheme reflects their distinctive demeanor—a blend of Ice Blue, White, and Silver. These colors are a direct reflection of their cold and precise nature. Ice Blue captures the cool, calculated precision that defines their every action. White symbolizes the purity of their intentions and their unwavering commitment to maintaining order and balance. Finally, Silver embodies the elegance and sophistication that Krystalians exude in all aspects of their lives.


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